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Design-build is an alternative to design-bid-build and construction management, the three project delivery systems most commonly used in North America. Under design-bid-build and construction management design and construction are split – separate entities, separate contracts, separate work.   Under design-build, the project delivery is streamlined through a single contract between the owner and Niche Builders.   This simple, but fundamental difference, helps to control cost and time by transforming the relationship between designers consultants and builder into an alliance which fosters collaboration and teamwork.

This method of construction, in which the design and construction of a building are contracted and controlled from one source – the Design-Builder, allows for a single point of accountability, thereby creating a more organized and controlled project.   The process also helps control unnecessary delays in schedule and added construction costs due to unforeseen design discrepancies, typical of traditional construction when plans are designed well in advance of bidding and construction.

Niche Builders embraces the accountability required by the design-build process.   Our ability to consistently provide top quality results and satisfaction is a direct reflection of bringing together experts with a solid portfolio of design-build and alternative delivery method experience.   Our design-build program philosophy ensures that we, our partners and our clients are taking full advantage of best practices, lessons learned, trends and technology while simultaneously setting new standards on each project.   Our design-build delivery is based on our ability to control costs, control the schedule and reduce adversity between the contractor and the design team. Most importantly, we establish clear lines of communication between all parties to ensure a smooth delivery.